software testing outsourcing

As technology continues to advance, new testing techniques are reshaping the software testing landscape. One such technique is “Shift Left Testing,” which emphasises early testing during the development process, leading to faster bug detection and resolution.  

Another is “Scriptless Automation Testing”, which enables testers to create test cases without complex coding, simplifies the process and makes it accessible to a broader audience. 

The rising adoption of AI and ML have also brought “Artificial Neural Network Testing” to the forefront. They help evaluate the performance of AI applications.  

The Internet of Things (IoT) has given rise to “IoT Testing,” which ensures seamless functionality of interconnected smart devices. Additionally, “Chatbots” have also become integral to testing. They automate tasks and provide instant feedback. 

A Merit expert says, “These cutting-edge testing techniques empower organisations to deliver high-quality software, reduce time-to-market, and provide exceptional user experiences.  

As we move further into 2023, these innovations will continue to shape the future of software testing, supporting businesses in meeting the evolving demands of their clients and customers.”

The New Challenges that arise from Software Testing Evolution 

But, every advancement comes with its own set of challenges. 

Today, the ever-evolving software testing techniques present businesses with a critical challenge: to decide whether to invest in training internal employees in these new methods or to outsource software testing to external partners. This decision requires careful consideration of various factors. 

Training internal employees in new testing techniques, for instance, can yield long-term benefits. It allows businesses to build an in-house team with specific domain knowledge and expertise tailored to their products and services.  

Internal teams can also be aligned closely with the development process, facilitating seamless collaboration and faster bug fixes. 

On the other hand, outsourcing software testing can be a viable option, especially when specialised skills or a burst of testing resources are required for short-term projects. External partners bring fresh perspectives, diverse experiences, and specialised tools to the table, enabling comprehensive testing and quick turnaround times. Moreover, outsourcing can free up the internal team to focus on core development tasks. 

In this blog, we specifically take software testing outsourcing and explore the pros and cons of this method. 

Pros: Save on time, money and resources 

Outsourcing software testing can save time, resources, and money by leveraging external expertise and specialised tools. For example, a software company can outsource mobile app testing to a dedicated testing firm with a wide range of devices, avoiding the need to purchase and maintain an extensive device inventory. This reduces the time required for testing setup and maintenance, saves resources on hardware costs, and allows the internal team to focus on core development tasks.  

However, a lack of proper communication and coordination with the outsourced partner can lead to delays, rework, and increased costs. Selecting a reliable and competent testing partner is crucial to reap the full benefits of outsourcing. 

Pros: Gain access to a wider pool of resources with diverse expertise & perspectives 

For instance, a company developing an e-commerce website can outsource testing to a testing firm specialising in user experience (UX) testing. The outsourced testers, being unfamiliar with the website, will approach it as a real end-user would, identifying potential usability issues that the internal team might overlook.  

Their diverse experiences from testing various domains and industries can enable them to offer valuable insights and creative solutions, thus leading to a more comprehensive and user-friendly website. This broad range of expertise can enrich the testing process and enhance the overall software quality. 

Pros: More thorough testing, better output quality 

Outsourcing software testing can often result in better quality results because external testing firms are more likely to perform thorough testing and unbiased evaluation.  

For instance, consider a business developing a mobile app. The internal developers, under time constraints, might focus on specific functionalities, overlooking certain edge cases.  

In contrast, an outsourced testing team can approach the app with a fresh perspective, identifying critical bugs and providing detailed feedback. Additionally, investing in an internal testing practice, like we saw earlier, can lead to increased hardware, resource, and server costs. Outsourcing eliminates these overheads, enabling companies to benefit from specialised testing expertise without the added expenses. 

Pros: Leaves time to focus on business growth 

Outsourcing software testing can allow businesses to focus on their core activities without being burdened by testing responsibilities.  

For instance, a startup developing a new e-commerce platform can outsource testing to a dedicated testing company. This can free up the startup’s development team to focus on creating innovative features and growing the business. The testing company can take care of all testing activities, ensuring the platform’s quality and reliability.  

As a result, the startup can accelerate its time-to-market, reach customers faster, and achieve its business objectives while leaving the testing expertise to the outsourcing partner. 

Cons: Security & Confidentiality Issues 

Imagine you are a software company developing a proprietary financial application. If you outsource testing to a third-party firm without proper security measures, sensitive data and code may be exposed to unauthorised parties. This breach could lead to data theft, intellectual property theft, or even a security breach affecting your customers.  

Ensuring the testing partner has robust security protocols and signing a strong non-disclosure agreement can help mitigate these risks. Nevertheless, it’s essential to carefully choose a trustworthy and reliable testing partner to safeguard your sensitive information. 

Cons: Lesser control over management & strategic decision-making 

When you outsource testing to an external company, you may have less visibility and influence over the testing process. For example, if a critical bug is found, you might not have direct control over its prioritisation or resolution timeline. This lack of control can lead to delays in fixing issues and may impact the overall development timeline.  

To address this concern, clear communication, regular updates, and establishing a strong working relationship with the outsourcing partner are essential to ensure alignment with your project goals and expectations. 

Cons: Bridging the communication gap 

When testing is outsourced to a different location or time zone, there may be delays in response times and misunderstandings due to language barriers or cultural differences.  

For instance, if the testing team is based in a different country, coordinating meetings and addressing urgent issues could become challenging. To overcome this, using collaboration tools, setting clear communication channels, and establishing regular check-ins can help bridge the gap and ensure smooth communication between the outsourcing team and the in-house development team. 

Merit’s Expertise in Software Testing 

Merit is a trusted QA and Test Automation services provider that enables quicker deployment of new software and upgrades. 

Reliable QA solutions and agile test automation is imperative for software development teams to enable quicker releases. We ensure compatibility and contention testing that covers all target devices, infrastructures and networks. Merit’s innovative testing solutions help clients confidently deploy their solutions, guaranteeing prevention of defects at a very early stage.  

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